I never could
the waxing waters
of a certain
single flood
coming in
each minute
beyond being gone
I never was
strong enough
from any
to others
to have beaten
the morning cold
my breath a fog
like the smiling wind
with evil in its eyes
but you
prone to paying
for whatever is gifted
may never
have plucked
even one short word
from many
a prayer
like you
whatever I felt
was felt
as if in my blood
our blood
above ambition
the years
having passed us by
From Paisley, John spent the late 1970's working at The Citizens' Theatre and 1985-90 as Writer-in-Residence and Writer-in-the-Community in Darlington. As managing editor of Raunchland Publications from 1984 to 2009, he initiated and edited 3x4 magazine and the Lung Gom Press, and continues to be widely published in literary reviews, anthologies, collaborative projects and in over forty individual collections.