Anti-Politic's Thumbnail
Whoever's prophet material
Had best seek counsel
From the nation
Of the 'northern lights':
No velure head-hunter need apply -
No Moulin Rouge mudslinger -
No tyrannous protoplasm
Batting an evil eye -
Lucidity epitomises
The cold ground's
Imminent banter -
'Where man ends
The flame begins' *
And we will never
Put Prague
Or Jan Palach
Back together, again.
*Miroslav Holub
Tolstoy: Renunciation 2
Best forget why he's here
And from where he came;
If his step thundered
The blunt black bloodstone
Of gunfire
Amid the roses...
The Crimea wasn't a parking-lot, then.
A September suburb
By a double
Or nothing
Now, eavesdroppers
Find him
And beating
Tellable ploughshares
Into words -,
Into a peace
That shatters.
Stefanie Bennett has published 18 books of poetry, acted as a publishing editor and worked with Arts Action for Peace. Of mixed ancestry [Italian/ Irish/Paugussett-Shawnee] she was born in Townsville, Qld., Australia. Stefanie's latest title 'The vanishing', Walleah Press is due at year's end.
Whoever's prophet material
Had best seek counsel
From the nation
Of the 'northern lights':
No velure head-hunter need apply -
No Moulin Rouge mudslinger -
No tyrannous protoplasm
Batting an evil eye -
Lucidity epitomises
The cold ground's
Imminent banter -
'Where man ends
The flame begins' *
And we will never
Put Prague
Or Jan Palach
Back together, again.
*Miroslav Holub
Tolstoy: Renunciation 2
Best forget why he's here
And from where he came;
If his step thundered
The blunt black bloodstone
Of gunfire
Amid the roses...
The Crimea wasn't a parking-lot, then.
A September suburb
By a double
Or nothing
Now, eavesdroppers
Find him
And beating
Tellable ploughshares
Into words -,
Into a peace
That shatters.
Stefanie Bennett has published 18 books of poetry, acted as a publishing editor and worked with Arts Action for Peace. Of mixed ancestry [Italian/ Irish/Paugussett-Shawnee] she was born in Townsville, Qld., Australia. Stefanie's latest title 'The vanishing', Walleah Press is due at year's end.