A hand drew a face
It lived
Became a life
Was a reflection
Of the drawer
Between them
One a lie
The other a truth
One lived on
The other died
Everyone is set about moving
Actually hurrying
To the land ahead
The new home
But this all must be done
Before the sun sets
Before the evening
Before night comes
Where eyes go blind
To see the way
Where we're going to
What was to be
From one tablet
Of a great promise
All teetering on
The last of the faint light
Where here is rapidly fading
Fred Chandler is the author of two chapbooks, A Flying Frog and X Factor. He is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant, a fellow of the American Film Institute, a member of the Writers Guild of America and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Fred's poems have appeared in Voices Israel, The Pink Chameleon, Splizz, Northern Stars, Black Lantern, KCET, Danse Macabre, and The Storyteller, among other publications. His website can be viewed at
A hand drew a face
It lived
Became a life
Was a reflection
Of the drawer
Between them
One a lie
The other a truth
One lived on
The other died
Everyone is set about moving
Actually hurrying
To the land ahead
The new home
But this all must be done
Before the sun sets
Before the evening
Before night comes
Where eyes go blind
To see the way
Where we're going to
What was to be
From one tablet
Of a great promise
All teetering on
The last of the faint light
Where here is rapidly fading
Fred Chandler is the author of two chapbooks, A Flying Frog and X Factor. He is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant, a fellow of the American Film Institute, a member of the Writers Guild of America and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Fred's poems have appeared in Voices Israel, The Pink Chameleon, Splizz, Northern Stars, Black Lantern, KCET, Danse Macabre, and The Storyteller, among other publications. His website can be viewed at